Total number of hits on all images: 3,666,671
- Lonely Path
- Author: Laura Marco
- Hits: 10587
- Downloads: 5114
- Rating: 5.00 (25 Votes)
- Comments: 0
For me ... walking in nature surrounded by silence and solitude, means an attempt to find a meaning to the world, because the world reveals itself to human beings who are sensitive.
Quite difficult to give a shape to sensations and values in simple words, short phrases that can reach everyone. Try to be understood, reached out to others, it's not entirely straightforward.
I find in nature, in woods... a great silence ... it makes me feel closer to myself than in any other place. I'm filled with a feeling of nostalgia. Nostalgia... for what? I do not know ... this irrational silence shows me clearer than ever the gulf between the world and human beings.
Follow the marked path, looking at endless sky, suffering cold in the body, makes our consciousness more evident than ever.
We must explore this silence to find the truth.
We can not find ourselves in everyday life, because it's full of nonsense, numbs us and stuns us.
"Find what you want, do not imply seeking the real truth."
It's frustrating ... but better to try and make sense of everything we do.
Silence is very clear, very latent and must be studied.
I know that the truth stays at the end of this path ... and it' has to be walked so lonely. And it hurts to walk along it.This is my commitment, search for the real truth, although may be not what I desire.
- Lullaby of Death
- Author: Laura Marco
- Hits: 9189
- Downloads: 4114
- Rating: 5.00 (4 Votes)
- Comments: 0
With this work I'm beginning this year 2016, I wish it was a very calm and very introspective one for me; I've noticed that the more I interact with people, the more it affects everything around me in a way, I'd not say negative but it 's neither constructive and all ends in remaining in silent, in the end I have nothing to say. I need silence, solitude and tranquility in plenty.
The world may go round and retrace when needed. World goes round, clouds move in the sky and hopefully come every night to rest :)
For this new year, I wish the best for everyone and for me ... a little peace and solitude, to be able to "re-find" myself again. I do not even know where I am."Never say Never, Anything is Possible"

Total number of hits on all images: 3,666,671