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Choosing between Good and Evil
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It is about the fear of falling, the vertigo of finally seeing ourselves tumble to that luminous place that awaits us, madly always being there. The luminosity inside the arch is beautiful enough, and relaxing enough to stop us from worrying all the time. Nonsense, in short, she did not feel any worry, nor despair about the inevitable end, it was written in her destiny. On the contrary, what really drove her mind to despair was the daily choice between those two presences, those two lights, cold and warm, good and bad, ambiguous and concrete. Present everywhere, even in the stone, in the shape of a current of air, a soft whisper. Who would know.
Precisely at that moment, the vertigo she felt did not come from the bright whiteness beyond the stone step that would precipitate her final fall, nor from taking wrong footsteps without balance on her high heels either. Tenderly she paused, closed her eyes and felt the energies enveloping her mind and senses, playing around her neck and hair. In short brief moments the sweet music, embraced her chest, warming her memories, nest of so many moments of cheerfulness... that honied melody was undoubtedly the best path to follow and suddenly... she felt that attractive cold. A whispering freshness that cleared all senses, attracted their attention and at every instant that viperine tongue whispered her things… don’t you know! it usually puts ideas in people's minds, there the serpent dances its cold dance, twisting in beautiful curls, ringlets of evil.
Could common conscience forget that the insignificant time of mortals knocks every day on its wandering, not only on the woman’s walk and that of everyone as well, forcing us in this pace to dance between the two opposites: what is good and what is bad. At every moment differently rhythmed, choosing and living.
What small portion is worthy to be retained? her smile, being it the sincerest, not only determined but full of acceptance; In the tedious passing of time, no one stays forever at one extreme, we all dance between good and evil, at every minute, hour, day that we are given as a present to live, then we have to choose, whether we like it or not.
Step by step, minute after minute her smile curdled among the great human condition. Time passes, dances and so did she, in her truth fullest way.
Don't you know that we, all humans, at last fall into our immeasurable whiteness without remedy, beyond that infinite jump... so, dance between good and evil! without any suffering... it is our condition of life, our humanity.
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