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With a Book in my Hands...
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Relaxation is achieved with a single detail in the middle of nothing.
A little noise in the middle of a total silence. With the shaking of our hair in the soft breeze or the slightest rubbing of a fabric on our skin. I've always liked to find a quiet place, with enough silence, to escape and relax, but not far from daily life around me. A bench in which to sit and watch afternoon passing, to read, to close our eyes, to image and think about the things we cherish in our soul and thoughts ... no matter people who go from one place to another with their routines. There's peace in stopping and looking at how everything works and moves around, making us more aware of ourselves as people and as part of this great universe. That image of the woman, "With a Book in her Hands" has become fixed in my mind. I've gazed quietly at my surroundings and seen them in thousand lights and a hundred weathers.
A book, stillness, eyes closed or gaze lost, silence and soft noises that break through... all this is very familiar to me, I have spent a lot of time with a book in my hands, sitting, reading or thinking or perhaps looking at my surroundings and imagining what life is like for others. My favorite place has always been a library, where one can borrow and study. There're many people, but at the same time there's no one. Almost anything can be heard. In that artificial silence, as a paradox there's much peace, relaxation of the body, of the mind and a sort of spiritual reconciliation. Any slight sound, the passing of pages of a book, the noise of a few steps, a pen that presses and writes on paper ... those minimal noises in silence are able to blow our relaxation.
My relaxation begins at the nape of my neck, but not near my shoulders, located in the area that is next to the head, the uppermost part of the neck. I have always thought that this zone has a life of its own and when something activates it, when it starts to work ... we can totally relax, like starting to walk on a path of happiness.
I've spent many hours sitting with a book in my hands, much time of my life, in silence ... in a park, on a bench ... so long that I do not want those moments to be forgotten and the memories related to them. The sound of falling water has a great power of relaxation. I like to hear in the silence as a small stream of water falls. In a small aquarium that I have, at night I hear the filtered water falling ... I almost always delay the time to go to sleep, because that slight noise in the middle of the silence, is a trigger ... in the nape that shoots my happiness.
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