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Sleeping Garden
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--Laura Marco
Sleeping Garden
Before being born, warmth, security, sweetness and our union being in the womb are unique. The most basic thing to start living. When we are born to some extent we lose everything, in favor of other experiences in life, such as independence and personal accomplishments. However, we never stop from bringing back our memories of that time and the need to depend on where we come from. Even sometimes we surprise ourselves happy and without realizing huddled in position "supine", the most essential. Since we can not return to the womb, the only thing left is the heat of the Earth where we will all return, one by one ... slowly but surely. She welcomes us like in the womb. The hanging vines can be umbilical cords, there is the same peace and the same harmony, do you not perceive it ?, loneliness, only we lack the low sound of maternal heart that will not return. Now, leaves crunch under some bird footprints, wind sounds, our breathing ... nothing else. There coming back, hunched, supine, ... or not. Comments are welcome! Thank you!. Please click on the work to see colours in the original size!
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