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Falling Leaf
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You're the one who draws my attention through the window and nothing interests me more than you, still dressed in red and bright yellow. I dare say that you love coming and going, falling leaf ... advancing and retreating at times, there's no hypnotizing dance more harmonious than yours, full of caprice as waves of the sea move, or the sun when it hides between the clouds, don't forget fickle love or shy inspiration at its most. Tell me, if you can feel it?, that leaf that comes and goes..., moved by the wind, without a place of its own. That leaf that comes and goes.
Who looks at lost leaves? traveling to the end of their existence, with little sap, nor tree to find a shelter. Dying leaf, a dancing colorful brightness to my eyes, a falling beauty. Do not want to let you go!, but you are not mine, you're a daughter of time, a dancer of air, temporary leaser of life and already part of freedom by your own courage.
It moves in the same air that you breathe ... tell me if you can feel it? I only catch you between the tips of my fingers and I do not want to let you fall, however you'll be free to get wherever you need to go. I can not stop the moment eternally, I can not change the becoming, only a few seconds you'll be next to me. I finally release you...
Falling leaf, fly!... fly so at last you're free! Towards your promised destiny.
Who looks at a falling leaf, but another fallen leaf?.
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