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At first, I just wanted to discuss an issue with this image, but in the end, a doubt has arisen in me ... and I think I'd also talk about it.
On the one hand, I'm feeling like addressing the issue of religion, because although I'm not a believer, such is the influence exercised by religion in the first part of my life, my childhood, that I can not let go so many memories and above all a search for familiar symbols in every day life.
My Christ has a broken arm, like my beliefs or my faith, they're broken. The problem came when I could not assimilate the idea that... " if I did something good, it was thanks to God and if I did something wrong, it was only my fault". That is, I never have any merit of my own efforts. That idea was simply crazy ... then I gave up my faith. My need for something higher, something powerful over me.
On the other hand, the big question has arisen me when I look at some of my last images. Some of them are located or related to the subject of death. I've done everything unintentionally, so now ... I wonder why I ended up putting myself in such sad places or related to the dead? ... The truth is that... I do not know the reason why I do so.
I began my photography in bikini ... (!) And now I have finished "dead" or hidden, in sum, buried by all. This image is a shot made to a niche.
Since I do what I'm feeling, this situation draws much attention ... there must be an answer, but I do not know. The only thing I'm sure is that people slowly are changing me a lot. Interaction affects me much. That's the big reason that I'm always in the search of solitude or being away from everything. Thus, it's the only way to be myself. Without any influence or change.
When I look at me in this work... I'm sure I can not be bad!
Kisses!, all images used are mine.
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