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The Woman with a Quill Pen
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Of course, she was convinced that she needed more scrolls to be able to continue writing and she was ready to leave home and look for a store to find those parchments that she needed.
The sun was not very strong, it was not even hot at that time of year. Weather allowed us to wear sandals and keep our feet cool and that sensation also gave some freshness to her thoughts, she walked looking at the tips of her sandals, the tips of her toes and how in small taps they were advancing the path in search of what she needed.
As she turned that corner and entered the street, she soon noticed that strange smell, a slightly unpleasant smell, but she knew it was exactly what she needed and was very pleased when she saw that man working a piece of skin right in front of the door of his house, at that moment with a crescent-shaped tool, he was removing the remains of hair and meat that still remained attached to that skin so that in the end it would be a fabulous parchment.
Undoubtedly, it was a very commendable job and she was full of praise for the person who did it and said: - "I really like this future parchment and I am interested in writing on those beautiful future scrolls"-. Sheets that would last a long time, hundreds and even thousands of years, everything she wanted to say, would remain written.
Well, the man, the tanner, that craftsman listened to her attentively and with great respect and told her that, although his resources were very limited and he could only do certain things and he needed time, not having all the facilities at his disposal, but certainly! he might try to offer her a parchment or two so that she could write. Without hesitation, she agreed with the tanner that she was very interested in the product that he could offer her.
She thought of returning home at that moment, but then she realized that that street of artisans, of producers extended downwards and that it was also a street dedicated to the world of writing, to parchments, to inks, to quill pens... to everything that could help her in her performance, so she did not hesitate, she did not doubt it for a moment and she continued walking in that tireless and insatiable search. She gave rhythm to those graceful and pretty sandals that took her where she wanted to go.
With the clicking of the heels, in a good rhythm, she found another place. Another trade that caught her attention because several scrolls were already exposed directly in a distance, where you could see them and they were also decorated with flowers all around, the entire margin of the scroll was decorated with beautiful flowers, collected by a beautiful lady in the woods around and that beautiful lady with long hair, she did everything as well! She made those parchments that were not made of animal skin, the unpleasant smell that the woman with the quill pen found in the first tannery was not there and that bad smell was now replaced by the aroma of those flowers that the merchant stuck to that vegetable mixture that she sold as a parchment.
The woman with the quill pen was shocked. Oh wonder! The woman with the quill pen had a place for everything, everything really counted for the woman with the quill pen. She would look for anything that suited her needs so she talked to that new clerk and she agreed that she was interested in not two flowery scrolls but uh! about ten, in this case it would be about ten vegetable scrolls all full of flower petals and scented, so she agreed with the woman that in a week she would go back to her store and buy all the scrolls.
Leaving the store with an aroma of petals on her breath, all of her infused with perfume, with her mind in another, more pleasant dimension... she was actually very pleased because she was finding everything that attracted her and that would undoubtedly help her writing was better, of better quality without a doubt. That street of parchments continued without end and it is that even with your own eyes a few steps below there was another shop window where there seemed to be papers or parchments, she did not know very well what they were, so of course, of course, all diligent was to see, to search, to follow, to investigate without any limit, without any pressure of her conscience, simply following the desire of her instinct. In almost a complete madness of hedonism.
Arriving at what seemed like the last store, she found some wonders, oh! There were dozens of scrolls, they weren't really skins but they were such precious and successful imitations made of a vegetable paste and by the way they also had petals attached to them, but the saleswoman who sold them or the one who called herself a "graceful craftswoman" also she included feathers, yes, she would really put necklaces and feathers attached to the edges of the parchments and even more... she felt capable of writing whatever the writer wanted to write, in this case the woman with the quill pen. The merchant didn't intend to actually create the content, but she was going to use the written content she was given to write for the store. She could, she already had many sharp quill pens of all colours and she knew how to do many things. In this situation, the woman with the quill pen, delighted and amazed at her most, made a large order very gratefully to the last store where the parchments were vegetables, they were full of petals, feather necklaces and also the saleswoman was going to write with ink from Orient, all what she was asked.
All grateful the woman with the quill pen made her way to her house. The afternoon was already falling and she was enraptured in her thoughts when, when she reached the end of that street of parchments, which was also all straight, everything was seen, everyone knew, it was so when she reached the end that she saw the tanner again, when that unpleasant smell of tanning the leather of those parchments reached her nose again, then she realized what her development had been, what that progress had been and she had gone from feeling fulfilled with those two leather parchments to making an order of dozens of parchments almost oriental in their content, flowery and pearly, and she thought of saying to the tanner: -“Look, excuse me, I already have another interest!-, but since the street was straight and everything was visible, everything was seen and everything was known... she realized how the tanner simply avoided her gaze, he did not even look at her, nor did he speak a single word. He ignored her, erased her from his life and she understood at that moment everything she had done and she understood the tanner's reaction. She also knew that she had no choice to change that situation, so with some regret at seeing how the tanner avoided her presence, she went to her house and locked herself in the living room.
At that time, a sentence of hers was going around in thoughts and it made her feel bad in a certain way. The idea was the following: “she knew that she had leaned against the hottest ember”, that she had been dishonest and had a lack of integrity and deep down she would have wished that the first tanner had not avoided her gaze, nor her presence. The result of her actions had left her stunned.
With that discomfort, she was at home. She went to her room and got ready to make herself comfortable. A simple shawl around her shoulders, at that moment she didn't have the mood for too many superficial things. In the soft, low lighting…everything around her was tinged with shadows. On the shelf, there was only a small scroll left, but she had an idea and that sheet would be enough. She felt the need to write a statement, “her Declaration of Principles”.
She had to concentrate and give it a form, write down the way in which she would decide to conduct herself, behave in front of others and society.
She took the quill pen and began to write. They were her principles: words such as honesty, empathy, integrity, kindness… would shine there and take their place... a big smile was drawn on her mouth now.
She thought she was doing the right thing. Within a week she would collect all the vegetable parchments, scented with petals and necklaces, already written with oriental inks that she had commissioned from the last artisan. She couldn't do anything else.
Though she knew in the bottom of her heart that that elusive gaze, the feeling of rejection of the tanner would last forever. That certainty sowed sadness in her heart.
She had earned it hard.
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