Welcome! Like an open window to the Art world! かんげい !
Total number of hits on all images: 3,655,286
- Gallery 2025
- (4 images)
- Hits: 2,334
Hello everyone! Welcome to this gallery of artworks of 2025.
What are my goals for this new gallery?
I hope to continue working, uniting images & words.
The spark of imagination and inspiration continues at work.
I hope you'll enjoy this new gallery and I wish you all the best for this new year.
Greetings to all!
- Artwork 2023/24
- (36 images)
- Hits: 125,066
Hello everyone! Welcome to this gallery of artworks of 2023.
What are my goals for this new gallery? Well, above all, I hope to continue working and since I am convinced that all the arts are intertwined, I would like to unite image & words.
Everything is possible if the spark of imagination and inspiration is followed.
I hope you'll enjoy this new gallery and I wish you all the best for this new year.
Greetings to all!
- Gray Scale
- (5 images)
- Hits: 18,791
Hello everyone!, I present to you this artistic gallery in gray scale.Above all, I hope that it will be a very creative format as well as colour is and I hope to create artworks that express my illusion for artistic photography, showing my way of appreciating reality, my environment and dreams in this black & white format.Any self-respecting photographer should take a moment to work with gray scale and feel that kind of presentation.Black & white should be looked at with the heart.Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation.Kindest regards. Laura
- Artwork 2021/22
- (49 images)
- Hits: 169,950
Hello everyone!, as I start this artistic gallery 2021, my great purpose for this new year is to enjoy photography.
Taking care of composition, final fixing and the way in which artistic image reveals attractive to those who look at it and enjoy it, being aware of lights and colors.
Above all, I hope that it will be a very creative year and with enough time to create artworks that express my illusion for artistic photography, showing my filter of reality, my environment and dreams and illusions that can be brought to the eyes of others .
Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation.
I hope you’ll like this new gallery 2021 !, because as I always say: "Each image is a little piece of me"
Kindest regards. Laura
- Holy Week 2023
- (34 images)
- Hits: 136,262
Here I show you what for me have been the best shots I have taken of this Holy Week in 2023.
- Artwork 2020
- (23 images)
- Hits: 126,749
Hello everyone!, I start this gallery with great enthusiasm, undertaking the project of a new gallery for this year coming, many days to be filled with emotions, feelings and a good sense of accomplishment as the artistic works will be going on.
I hope you welcome this gallery with the same illusion that I undertake this journey to artistic expression.This year I would like to pay special attention to composition, in my opinion artistic composition is one of the most difficult aspects.
I'm convinced that light and colors are based on personal perception of each artist, nevertheless order or distribution of elements, is something that "must be learned". It's not sufficient with a personal touch or a particular way of perceiving.
If we want to succeed and work in a way that guarantees a harmonious beauty and perception ... we must study, practice, improve and learn how to achieve it.Personally, I'm very demanding with everything related to composition, in such a way that there are artistic works where I really like the color or the light, but they produce my rejection due to the arrangement and size of their elements.
These harmonious rules do exist, in some previous compositions I really liked working with the Fibonacci spiral (as in "Traces of Destiny" © 2017) or my head always hurts me when thinking about size, position, quantity ... of the elements.
It is not easy. This year I dedicate my effort to composition and details.
Also to portraits, I love portraits.Happy beginning of 2020 and all my best
- Artwork 2019
- (38 images)
- Hits: 235,439
Hello everyone, for me to create a new gallery, means first of all "commitment" with months to come, full of hard work, responsibility and above all "good work".
It is not easy to face a new gallery, new challenges if one wants to give the best.
This new year, above all, I'm interested in color and light in my artworks. Special attention will be dedicated in "the search of myself". To find a meaning in all images.
For me, it's very important to be able to understand what could make it unique and outstanding, what would make my artwork different from so much artistic photography that's being created. I need to find those pillars or foundations that will give full sense to my work.
To my dedication to artistic photography.
This is the beginning of a commitment. With myself, with life, with feelings, with beauty and with all of you!. A greeting!
- Artwork 2018
- (36 images)
- Hits: 330,258
Hello everyone! I start this gallery with renewed strength and enthusiasm, which should never be lacking. In it, I will upload new artworks. What most interests me, is by far: "theme", in that sense, I try to stay true to my culture, my surroundings, my customs, my beliefs ... and with them I intend to offer "genuineness", something that is very much appreciated and marks a footprint on the sands of time.
Neither I'm interested in producing a large quantity of work, but rather, on the contrary, that quality always prevails. And if there can be many new artworks this new year, welcome!
In the middle of the year, this Web page will be renewed, so it will remain offline for a couple of weeks, with the intention of improving it.
Thank you very much for your love, support and your visits to the Web. If you want to leave a message, an impression or opinion, please use comments as a registered user, otherwise the messages will end up in a spam box and I won't be able to read them.
Summarizing: theme, improving technique, affectivity ... these are my concerns in artistic photography up to this day. I'm leaving you a big hug!.
- Artwork 2017
- (40 images)
- Hits: 387,286
Hello!, a new year starts again and... I'd like to be with you during all these long months to come.
Ideas and illusion don't lack me, besides an uncontainable desire to continue somehow illustrating some pieces of my life.
Today, what interests me most, definitely are lights and colors, on the other hand, the compositional aspect is still the "daily workhorse" of anyone who tries to take some beauty out of this life.
I still continue with the idea of accompanying each artwork, with a text that shows the spark of that creative momentum.
In sum, I hope you'll like to have a look at all the new artworks that I'll be uploading to this 2017 gallery.A big hug!.
- Artwork 2016
- (52 images)
- Hits: 534,551
Beginning this new gallery 2016 with "Lullaby of Death".
From now on, I can only hope that you enjoy the artworks that I'll be uploading in it.
In the end, I'll surely re-write this short introduction, as my work progresses along months to come.
Advance you that... its character will be more introspective, highly targeted inward emotions and to re-find myself in every detail.
As always, my images have an important load of sensuality that I wish back in this new year.
Thank you very much for your visit.
Wishing my best for all of you!.
"Never say Never, Anything is Possible"
Greetings, hugs & kisses, Laura

Total number of hits on all images: 3,655,286