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Al Despertar
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When she woke up in the morning, still asleep and with an almost repetitive, cyclical thought that would not let her wake up, as if she had come from a long dream that she never came out of, as if she repeated herself and fell into the same trap and returned to falling with that heavy thought… she finally got up and started her day.
With her body and mind a little asleep, she also begins a ritual of cleansing, personal hygiene, slow breathing, a ritual that can be extended in a much broader or more precise sense.
The day begins and the morning opens its doors so she wakes up and knows that she would always do and follow her responsibilities.
The morning is starting and her muscles and her mind too, and it is time to change, to change everything that is happening to us: everything that we don't like or appreciate what we like.
Familiar things: the jug, the mirror, bathroom utensils, all that is well-known and is what pleases us, but when we wake up and we have to think about where we are, where we have been walking, where are we now. Reflect upon.
The day is crowned by heavy, leaden clouds, above our heads that we could almost catch, an air perhaps oppressive. Immediately one realizes that this dull, somewhat greyish luminosity, in reality only highlights the beauty of the things around us, the beauty and richness of the earth and makes it shine, a lot of light and sparks that awaken our mind and our senses.
A rooster can be heard crowing in the distance, which could be like a modern alarm clock, but it is not, it is something primitive, it is something wonderful, cyclical, circadian, that every day if you attend to it… it will call you and it will call you at the same time, when you wake up, when you get up early, at the beginning of everything, at the beginning of that day and it will invite you to move and walk through some lights in early morning very beautiful and that are worth living and admiring totally.
She is waking up little by little and does not want to miss the magic of life that awakens outside.
Crystal clear water can be heard through the window, outside, it is a jet of water that crosses a small bridge, exuberant with vegetation and she hears the water and visualizes in her mind the small current, she thinks that life runs like the very fast water perhaps and she also believes that if she doesn't like her moment, she should change it... Uplift her spirit.
Make room for the new day and open your arms to so many experiences that each day brings and that call and call in the sound of that water running outside. Of that precious liquid, she has a little in that jug for cleaning, her jug, her jug filled with cold water that awakens her senses and helps her get where she always wanted to be or find her place, who knows?
The lights wake up out there. It’s time!
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