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Eternal Bells
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And finally… the bells ring in her heart. Each tap on the metal, one after another, reaches the soul like one key after another sounding on a piano, the music of semitones. Gently moving the bells, she appreciates how in the end, she got to sit in front of the landscape, of the infinite sky, climbed on the works that she has been accumulating throughout her life. There, almost puzzled she contemplates the endless plain, where its end is not in sight.
And how sweet the bells ring in her heart. On the horizon, the antennas are the reflection of the communication attempt between us, but… what about our surroundings, with all that unseen powerful force that surrounds us? Full of secrets, that wake up if we want to listen to them. - Gently chime a bell and wait for the answer in your heart... it will come, with each blow, with each sound, an answer will come, friendly and close as a semitone. There will be a long conversation -.
We are so little and we are so much. We last so little and we can eternalize ourselves to infinity. With soul and heart. The best and the essences are within us, they never left, they never will.
It is not an easy task to listen to your heart, to listen to infinity and to life. You just have to find a special time, that is just for yourselves. It is not easy to find a balance, each bell is different, we are different, but we can do the same, create the same beauty if we put our minds to it. So, it's time... it's time to sit down and balance soul, the bells, harmonize their sounds, fill the heart with harmony.
How will you know you have found the way? Easy, when it's hard to express what you feel, but you feel so strong that your chest hurts. In that way, get in touch and bring your sound, little by little, your brilliant semitones help you walk, small steps towards eternity.
The bells are already ringing, seeking their balance and making the woman walk. At last, the earth was united with the sky in unparalleled harmony.
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