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Facing your Dreams
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She could sense that the sailboat was behind her, out of her sight, there on the horizon, just where the sky meets the Earth, and she felt it because she had truly seen it before that day, had walked along its deck, had entered its rooms, she had had a look at the sails, how they filled with pride when receiving the blow of the wind. The woman had planned that trip, she had thought of it, she had dreamed of it, and yet now she was nowhere in sight of it. She knew better than anyone the noise of its engine or, if necessary, the lurching of the sails as they filled with air.
That day she was sitting on the rock, on that beautiful beach. The scarf was the only link between the sailboat and the woman. It could be said that the blue scarf was the only link that united or connected them, if there were any traces of any relationship or connection.
Let’s analyse, the sailboat represents a dream and a dream where she does not sail, but nevertheless she knows it well because she has seen it, she has felt it, she has walked on its deck, worked for its guidelines, for the project. She has helped to prepare what is necessary so that somehow that trip was possible, in which she saw herself included, but strangely she is on land, sitting on the rock, listening to the sea, the breaking of the waves. These sounds, for good, are reassuring, and even the short sharp screech of seagulls could be said to reassure her. Facing her dreams, with her back to her dreams, she feels somehow amazingly grounded in reality.
The sailboat means "what was thought", "what was imagined". Sailboats are dreams and the beach, the sand, the hard rock means true reality. Let’s imagine how many times our mind and ourselves embark on lots of dreams or specific illusions, that even, we know how to think to see ourselves embarked.
Paradoxically, we prepare them or we are participants in their beginning, in their set-up, for the start of it, and yet afterwards we do not go in them, we are not part of these dreams. Facing our own dreams. Strangers’ dreams?
Sailboats were never ours and in truth the error or the failure is in our specific mind and in our way of being, that, instead of simply doing things with our own lives, creating projects and embarking on ideas, on the contrary, we create depending on others or with other people, and what’s more important, in dreams never dreamed by other people.
In the end, our spirit and our desire are the only world that has really thought and organized all that experience and we really don't realize it until… it happens to us. Until you see yourself on land, you feel that the sailboat is leaving and then you realize that this was not your dream that you thought you had been a part of, well, honestly, it was not.
Really, the day we learn to only create things that are safe for us, projects where it really only involves or involves a large part of our purpose and not that of others, only then, will we be able to do more, create more, we will become happier and will be able to have a greater mental balance and greater happiness.
Let sailboats sail, let dreams be dreamed and really think about what is yours, your nature and what you are really embarked on with commitment and the less you depend on others... the better.
That is a nature that many people handle, or a way of being and it is to make plans where we even participate, but then at the moment of truth they are nothing of ours.
So, let the sailboat sail, follow its course and while let the wind play with the handkerchief and caress her hand and her back.
The seagull is the only witness of so many dreams that did not come true and that it is it, the seagull, who wakes us up to reality. The reality is the sand and the breaking of the waves. The only certain thing: the noise and the sound of waves.
The beauty of the sea.
(Laura Marco)
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