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Human Nature
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Surely this path was familiar, this pathway that led alongside the hidden stream. A difficult section had to be walked before arriving at the place; narrow and full of bushes, with a certain slope, which made slipping easy. Everywhere, nature claimed its place, did not let any path remain drawn, did not give up its ground. The teaching was: if we don't often walk that distance, we will already know that it will be erased, it will disappear.
Careful not to slip, she reached the water's edge. It was pleasant, really refreshing… inspirational was the water and so was the silence. That silence that relaxed her mood.
Sometimes the fact of not hearing anything can be a gift. Exposed as we are during the day to so many sounds that we do not choose to hear, every so often, annoying. It is a gift not to hear more than the crystalline flow of the water, which follows its course, oblivious to the hustle and bustle of people.
She was sitting there, and while cooling her feet, she was not aware of any danger, or was she? Perhaps she did know that there was a danger really close to her, but she was simply calm, without further ado, doing what she had come to do. Overcoming her rejection or her dislike. The thinking was that: if we are able to sit down, next to what we don't like, to accept it... we have gained a lot. We have accepted reality with its pros and cons. If we become familiar with adversity and accept it, our path and our day to day will be easier.
How can we sit quietly, be next to danger? … how can we sit quietly next to our fears or the projected fears of others, next to all that adversity?
It is not in another way, that… with receptivity and acceptance, that we are next to what we do not like every day and we come out victorious. It doesn't matter how she does it, but sooner or later, she will go by the little stream, happier or less happy, but calm, looking at the streamside as it was.
Acknowledging that we have a negative and sinister side is a step forward to reach the cooling stream and rest. Besides, knowing that we also suffer from that negative side of others, is to be taken into account. It works in both directions.
Life could be a succession of action and acceptance, and then again, action and acceptance... until reaching the end of the days. Until reaching rest.
She would not want to spoil anything in the enchanting place, not even that because of her fault, her smell, her changing movements, animals stopped coming to drink water, to purge or to clean themselves. She would like to be part of the place, but she felt like a guest; a place which she can enjoy for a few moments.
Later, when lights go down and began to get dark, she would return to her home and she knew that fears and demons were loose and roam by our side… anywhere, even in a quiet stream and that they travel with us also. The ideal is to become familiar with them, understand that they are part of our human nature.
What if when those demons appear, bad mood... we just put them to rest and cool off by the stream?
So many things can be done.
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