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The truth is that it’s very pleasant to play again with face expressions, different colours ... without any doubt I’m enjoying creating again. To dream once more hand in hand with photography, after having to put it aside for several months, because I have been struggling with a health problem, mainly a problem of the locomotor system, which compromises muscles and nerves, quite painful. Nevertheless, I’m already feeling much better and my improvement is accompanied by the enjoyment that it gives me to play with light, colour, textures, details ... in the different artistic works.
I have called this image "Introspection", a look inside, because I’m a very introspective person, one of those people who observe a lot and analyse their own thoughts or feelings. Physically I'm staring straight ahead, but my mind wanders inside most of the time. Between my dedication to photography and the electric bass, I spend my days lovingly dedicating the time that I’m able, I wish it could be so much more. Hugs!
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