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Leather Session
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Sometimes I have really liked using photo sessions without any previously thought theme such as could be nature or a more spiritual subject, in order to think about. I just enjoy to work on lights and colours. They are indeed interesting photos and I’m sure that over the years I will like to look at them again.
In relation to photography, one need to take care of oneself physically, take care of the body to achieve the effects, we are looking for and the truth is that I am very happy because I have always tried to practice sports to keep myself well.
In fact, I believe that the best investment that can be made over the years and over time, regardless of age, is to invest in sports, in physical activity, in being an active person, giving work to muscles that, inevitably, by moving them, will also keep our nervous system healthy.
I started doing yoga months ago and I am constant, I do it every day... I recommend a book, "My yoga diary" by Xuan Lan, I am devouring it avidly, I read it, reread it, and I practice everything... It is good not only for the body but also for the mind.
Now that I have almost overcome having an injury from a nerve, kind of neuropathy, that of course it also affects muscles. All that is going very well, thanks to practicing sports and especially swimming.
I go swimming two hours a week and it's wonderful for me. The style that I like the most is the front crawl. What happens is that if I always swim in that style, in the end my shoulders end up hurting and that's why I really like to combine it with the breaststroke style that there is opposed to the work of the shoulders, the work of the pectorals of the chest and I also have other muscles that I really like to work, which are the quadriceps.
So, this style with a powerful quadriceps kick and working on muscles opposite to the shoulders, really relaxes a lot. We can compensate and it is very fun to control the movements that when the arms are used the legs are not and vice versa etc.
I actually had an injury and I think it was caused by a sedentary lifestyle due to poor posture from sitting for many hours on the computer crossing my legs and all of that has led to a fairly serious injury and I have had to wait more than a year for the pain, which I still have, not going away, if not so that it becomes bearable.
To people suffering from nerve injury I recommend, of course, under medical supervision but do not forget fats because fatty acids are essential for the health of the nerves and a nerve injury where a nerve is damaged cannot be recovered but it depends on the injury because if it is like when a cable is peeled and there is some damage to the layer that covers it in, the myelin it is composed mainly of fatty acids and it is very good to eat healthy fats such as avocado eat, yolk of the eggs and I have also vitamins type b and some supplement like phosphatidylserine etc. all that can help a lot.
I hope you like this work and I wish you all, above all, a lot of health and also happiness and that the time you have that you invest in physical activity is the greatest treasure that you can have to have health in your body.
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