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That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees,
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease.
[…] Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
No hungry generations tread thee down;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
In ancient days by emperor and clown. (John Keats)
Have you thought why people have always been so attracted to birds? why? Birds and their songs have given rise to a lot of literature, poetry where people have felt identified with them. Being these verses part of one of my favourite poems, Ode to a nightingale, by John Keats.
I ask myself and it’s to wonder why these small animals, apparently so weak and so beautiful, why do they have such a power of attraction?
It could be because in reality, they are a means, a boat, a way of transportation, to get to another place, to be able to leave this world as we know it, maybe when we don't like it or when we want to escape from problems of everyday life. There are always these little animals that without thinking or realizing it, attract us.
Actually, we don't think we’re going to sit down and listen to birds and hen we’re going to escape with them, no.
In my opinion they are something else, they are like those in charge of remembering and helping people to transport themselves, where? I do not know. According to my current consciousness, they help us to want or to be able or to wish to pass to another dimension, that is however more desired, even than anything else, such as certain substances, pleasures or foods. In front of anything else there are always these little animals that are actually demigods.
Little gods.
The woman hears the golden oriole singing, beautiful and slippery as they are. That's where her name comes from, from gold, oriolus. She, without even thinking about it neither wanting it, hears its song and feels transported in a limited way. Birds help and have some function that we do not know and it is up to us to discover it.
Discover how they interact with people and what they are, the beautiful birds that attract us and that remain and will always remain as much or longer than us.
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