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The Current of Oblivion
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May be pleasant to enjoy the tinkling of the water and the distant sound of that tapping of drops, of undulating curls of the liquid element that dances to delight our minds and ears. Relaxing our mood totally. This is how this torrent is born ... in the distance, in an intimate and discreet way, it comes out ready to be part of life. Fortunately, this stream does not stop running incessantly, with crystalline sound, one ripple after another, a clean and pure sound. Who does not want to have a quiet moment, a moment of peace? To sit and have the sound of water close by, water as a basic element, something agreeable that serves at the same time as a messenger that transports fluidly, without difficulty.
In this vision, it is the torrent of water that transports the woman's thoughts, the one that manages and extends the threads of life and that afternoon she sat there, caressing the flowers, playing to throw them in that sea of water, in that plain of curly water, that runs, that is never still. Dreaming that maybe it will take those flowers to a better place.
She gives water her dreams, her thoughts and the flow of her life.
Can be observed how the current is born rabid, noisy between the rocks and runs to finally widen into an immense cosmos. In a universe made of stars is where that current ends and there life also arrives, rather life does not end, life reaches that cosmos, that huge floating space where it remains in another dimension that we still cannot understand well, but that we lovely intuit.
And the woman sends flowers towards the end, towards the cosmos, flowers that are carried away by the water, that are carried away by sound and her memories are also carried away, getting farther away people, experiences, situations, small moments. Her mind makes a reflection and remembers all the people she has met up to this moment in her life, who have somehow formed part of her and how they all flow in a fluid way, without any drama, without any pain… in that current of life.
Just as she moves in the same stream of other people.
That noisy torrent carries the memories, love, moments, joys, emotions, lived intensities, sweetnesses, everything is taken on the way to the stars and to that enormous and cosmic remoteness that human beings still cannot understand and of which we are part. The great traveller is the sound of the water, which is sweet and calm and could be as calm as the sound of a human voice when speaking, sweet and transporting, capable of leading to many precious places.
Perhaps at this moment we are together at the same point of the current and perhaps later we will separate, some of us will stay, others will move in a live and vibrant flow that never ceases, life, the current of oblivion.
Perhaps today the current of change or the current of life.
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