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The Cycle of Life
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The sun is almost about to lose itself behind the mountains, to disappear, leaving only for a moment that soft luminosity and those colours so sweet and warm that surround everything in certainty, for a moment but for a vague moment because soon darkness will reign.
The woman looks at the sunset in a certain way incredulously, in a way with somehow pity because she knows how quickly that moment is looming, that will be total uncertainty, total darkness. It will be the beginning of the unknown and less pleasant part, where nothing is certain, where despair and doubt sometimes reign. That cycle, that time interval is a part of the life cycle, a daily rhythm that clearly represents the contrast between light and darkness, certainty and anguish.
With the light we are happy, we are calm because we know and we know how to do things, everything is so familiar, these ones are daily actions, so in what is known there is a certain ease and a certain happiness.
However, in the darkness everything is unknown and it is the other side of the coin, we do not know what we will be able to find, maybe it will be what we do not like, such as abandonment, contemptuousness, pain, facing pain of loss.
In each day, with the path the sun travels when it illuminates us and when it stops illuminating us, there is a lot of similarity to the cycles of our lives. We like light, which could well mean joy, we like it a lot because we have experienced darkness, which means the opposite, what we do not like so much or that scares us or that intrigues us or what we will have to face.
In that sense, the woman looks at the sun with some sorrow because she knows that it will plunge back into a moment of darkness, where nothing will be certain, nothing will be known and perhaps it has its burden of suffering and in that way, it will have to be remembered with a good taste all the happy moments that had a more positive charge, a charge of light.
And there... we leave her, looking at how certainty is going to be lost, how she’s entering that different moment, in that critical moment of doubt, in that crepuscular moment, in that moment of pain, maybe of ignorance, but there remains the great hope of know that... that sun will rise again and that beautiful and bright light that illuminates every day and fills us with happiness from head to toe will return, it will return, like the cycles of life itself and we value those cycles precisely because we know theirs antagonists and we know to appreciate exactly what each one is and means for us and for humanity and for life in general.
So she remains, with the last lights of certainty, easy paths being erased, waiting to return to that familiar path again, that surely when the first rays return, she will find the path easily and will walk again, to find that way to follow again.The illuminated way of life.
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