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The Waves that Sweep
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Who has not drawn in the sand sitting by the sea? Who has not arranged seashells in a capricious way? Or a seagull feather poked in the sand. A thousand and one ideas trying to unleash desires and suddenly that furious wave arrives and sweeps everything away. In the middle of the act of writing in the sand, it mercilessly disfigures everything.
At first it seems fun, then it creates great frustration because we realize that it is a reflection of life itself.
We spend a lot of time arranging and saying how we want things to be, how we would like things to be around us, but if we realize it ... everything falls apart as if by the charm of a wave, one after another blurring the idea that we carry in mind or the end or the way towards which we want to walk.
What if we just sit looking at the sea? Without wishing for anything, without drawing anything ... contemplating it as it is.
Would be a way to achieve harmony with everything that surrounds us.
The woman has already realized that it is useless to draw and wish in the sand when wave after wave will sweep away all her effort.
Anyway, being the best to accept life as it is, as it introduces itself. Do not try to change anything, do not plan excessively.
Just enjoy, breathe, feel the breeze in peace. As the woman lies relaxed, listening to the sea, smelling the salty aromas, without drawing anything and from time to time instead of creating in the sand, letting the force of the wave play with her hand.
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