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Abandoned Nest
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As I announced in my introduction to this new gallery of artistic works of 2019, the emphasis will be placed on finding meaning in each artwork done, finding a reason for being, which could be the foundation of my artwork.
The clear symbol of an abandoned nest, represents the recurrent idea in my life of a feeling of abandonment. Could be surrounded by people, but at the same time, not to feel any special affection or attachment towards me, to feel abandoned.
Maybe because these are cycles of life, "everything comes, everything goes". How birds are born and then leave their nest, when the time comes.
The peremptory and irremediably ephemeral nature of everything, including life and relations.
Everyone comes and goes, being part of that life cycle and leaving behind an abandoned path, a place to not return anymore.
Great hope remains in the eyes of the woman, mirrowed in the gesture of her hands and the possible wayout to that open sky offered in front of us. Sky, distance… rendered as a relief. And the nest will be abandoned, again and again, cyclically …
Why is not she also swallowed in that recurrent cycle? So that she also comes and goes. Why does not she stop being a mere spectator?.
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