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Beyond the Stairs
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And relaxed, she thinks ... what awaits at the end of the stairs?, one day that uncertainty will unveiled, the secret will be revealed. For now, the ascent is hard, steeper, tired ... even sometimes there is no desire to continue going up the steps.
This fatigue is represented by the lemons and their bitterness, lemons are bitter; The climb has many troubles. Perhaps, will you be there at the end ?, when you have not even accompanied me up. I climb alone most of the time.
I do not believe that happiness is represented in someone or something in particular, that it can be materialized in having or possessing something concrete: happiness could be contained in moments, short but happy ones.
Most of us are possessive, we want to own people or things, and that makes us more slaves and dependents, worse inside.
The climbing equals life. It's hard to make the effort, it's hard to live.
Will you be there at the top of the stairs?
When you never accompanied me, you left me alone ... silence between me and you.
Happiness is hidden inside moments, in time, it never materializes in forms.
Happiness could be the smile of a son, or gray clouds that huddle in the sky.
Keep climbing...
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