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The dazzling star sank without remedy to the bottom of the deep sea and she didn't seem willing to loose it, held tight in her hands, embraced in her breast, near her heart. In the middle of this huge chilly liquid mass, it still gave a strong warmth that allowed her to live, half hidden in its shelter, half hypnotized by its bright light. All her senses were full. So far, from the beginning of her assumed knowledge this loved star's been shining high in the sky ... till the moment arrived, she caught it for her, so she soon thought:
- "we'll always be together", made for one another -.
She believed that there was truth in every star and drowned slowly with glee in imitation of wavering flames.
Days passed by in that harmonious comfort, the chill of the water was in her limbs, the fear of the gloomy future in her heart; until one piercing thought began to hurt her, finishing by asking herself:
- "Why not to release since it weighs so much and only is drowning me down?, couldn't I endure a lifetime?" -, the star gave no relief, nor answer, had nothing to propose, perpetuating the values of obliviousness with a deaf dumbness.
- "Is it a logical reaction to continue embracing it as always? or an acceptance of the contented ones?" -, with all those painful thoughts, it took her to the bottom of the sea.
Her eyes stared up at the surface like a sightless eye and the forgotten sky somehow pushed down, quite tyrannical.
In that liquid silence, strange to her known sensations, weird to her previous life, oppressing her more and more, all was turning into a greater strangeness. She still did not realize, how tight she was holding and what she was doing, therefore in a silence and hidden way, happily they were falling to the deepest bottom.
- "Star of the dawn, you're mine, now star of my sorrowed depths" - ...
- "Alas! stop glowing, cease your sparkled love because one day I must let you go, so that you return to heaven again and I can return home" -.
She was drowning each day a little, without being aware of what was happening even so she did not abandon her star, the celestial body weighed too much, even finishing by being oppressive.
Its place was not the water, its home was the sky above. No longer for her. Life is tragic.
All around remained in silence, all around was sweet peace inside the sea. Elusive remembrances of a gone glorious past.
- "Couldn't be with you infinitely day and night until I may die or be eternally a ... Virgin of the Sea, a dead virgin of a bottomless sweet blue sea-.
- "Is it us?, is it us? ... or is it me alone? -.
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