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Traces of Destiny
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More than the steps one takes or decisions one may make, it's far important with those whom one walks hand in hand ... who one loves, in whom one trusts. Footprints that are left behind are thoughtful and premeditated, therefore they lack selflessness and nobility. Whoever takes our hand, it is only a matter of chance, of conjunctural situations unrelated to ourselves, as if destiny had placed them at our side, without us deciding anything. There is more authenticity.
Everyone gives too much importance on the steps walked one after the other, that is a flat subject, without three-dimensionality, it becomes necessary to look up and embrace the panorama from the right perspective ... and to value what one has known, loved and cherished.
Luck is not for the one who looks for it, luck is for the one who finds it along the way :)
I've always desired to be able to contemplate my life from above, that means for me, not to lose "the emotional dimension of life", for the sake of some material concern. Don't ever let it happen.
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