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Wondering about this image, it seems like a living person, but not being in a normal state, something happens, it seems to be in a "state of pause". She is, but she is not. She observes, but not participating or not even involved.
For me, it could be a way of facing life. At certain times it can be interesting to try.
Thus, every day we get involved in many actions or social relationships, which involve us spending a lot of energy, sometimes even fighting “to just have a place, have simply a presence or being taking into account” ... and what happens if we stop doing what we do? What would happen if we cease from fighting every day to have proper acceptance? What happens if we stop looking for a balance or justice in daily actions? What happens if we stop spending our energy on these social relationships, which we think they'll enrich us, but do they really tire and cause a lot of wear on us?
Simply, what would happen? if we fall asleep, but still breathe, eyes open wide, but we are not. We do live, but do not get involved.
Are we where we are because we spend a lot of energy fighting and trying to be there every day?
Are we where we are because we are valued by others? What would happen?
So, now we can get some sleep and observe ...
Observe incredibly competitive, selfish, unfair, manipulative, favoritism people.
My experience is that mainly all the ropes or connections that bind us to our social world are cut.
What happens if we fall asleep?
I will try to give an answer:
-“How beautiful life is! and... even asleep, life is still very beautiful.”
That is my conclusion, a positive one.
It has nothing to do with physical beauty.
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