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Castle in the Clouds
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It could be the vision of a dream, at first a romantic vision in the heights looking at clouds stolidly, vision with its dose of drama, of emptiness in front of the face of immensity. What could be done in front of so much emptiness and without any meaning ?, the castle stands for the perfect home, our own and fruit of many efforts. From romanticism, the theme passes to the ethereal, everything without materializing. A dream of clouds, a realm of clouds.
Those who do not know the places where I was born, will not identify at first glance the image of the castle, which is a very emblematic and well-known construction.
This artwork, it took all my effort in the compositional part, which was a real puzzle for me. How to go from the idea thought to translate it into something visual.
It was an effort for me, that absorbed my part destined to narrate, so this time I leave to the imagination of each one.
It is pleasant to use an emblem or symbol to remember, that everything is part of a common history and the present of all, not of a few. No one can appropriate anything by putting it as their flag. Symbols are important because they bind many people to a "common" bond.
For me, this artwork is an example of the tenacity of striving to capture an idea and be able to materialize it. That was my experience.
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