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Dew Threads
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It's been a long time since I started to feel what kind of images people expected to see or hoped to see and, on the contrary, what sort of image I wanted to create. Without hesitation, long ago, I decided to do the second option because when someone tries to do something beautiful and artistic, he/she does not think about whether it will be liked by others or not; Even, little matters whether it’ll please or not.
It’s necessary to work and create in the way, whoever performs the work, feels like.
I understand artistic expression as something that does not admit criticism, censorship, any corset, any limits, or even appreciation or depreciation.
Much work is done to give a shape to emotions. There’s the world of emotions and then, how can we give it shape or meaning?
There are times that I like to write more beautifully or carefully, others like this time, I simply try to transmit what the germ behind the creation is.
As the title says, yes! certainly the spiderweb is full of dew, but the main area of the spiderweb covers the head of the woman, it is centred in her mind. It could remind us like being trapped in a huge spider web, but in this case the mind is the one trapped, nothing more.
Going around the same things, thinking the same things over and over again, suffering with the same disappointments over and over again ...
We get entangled in a spiderweb, just as a hamster spins and spins on his wheel without stopping, constantly turning over the same things, being unable to stop.
Maybe this artwork invites us to know how to get out of that spiderweb, which oppresses us and gets us hooked.
Clearing our minds. Therefore, even the dew drops themselves are quite symbolic. They are the symbol of freshness, of renewal.
(…) The forest is still; its beauty hurts as always to the deepest. Silence reigns, which lets the little drops that the fog brings, freely sing. It's very cold, but even in the sturdiness of that same cold, the woman noticed the spiderweb, and realized how irremediably she felt forced to look through it, through its threads ... she couldn’t perceive cleanly.
Dew painted the world as it was, revealed its secrets. Dew drops painted the hidden spider web, deeply hidden in the mind.
Days will pass, the woman will pass by ... but there will remain the beautiful and wise forest, which keeps and reveals all its secrets.
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