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Lemon Orchard
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That morning, she walked among the ripe fruits, ready to be picked up after a time of effort ... in making them grow, in taking care of them and everything necessary to see them flourish and prosper, all her illusions reflected in those fruits.
With dedication, there is always a final reward. The beautiful and grateful fruits grow profusely everywhere, crowded among the branches, in graceful bouquets, even shine like stars in a peculiar sky.
She prepares herself to collect the fruits, when she’s feeling a cold air that sneaks between the branches and it passes by rubbing her neck, wrapping disgustingly her body. These small breaths of air give her the chills, they put her on alert ... what’s happening? - “There’s something strange around me, because I should not feel this way. I do not expect this cold air entering my paradise of ripe fruits”-.
Restless, the woman continues with her task, but she cannot ignore that strange feeling, which leads her to look around and look for the reason, look for an explanation ... she does not know what to say, what to think, she does not know the reason for feeling so uncomfortable and bad, but this way she was feeling.
And those little blows sneaked everywhere, they were around her ears, they run down her neck, and they played spinning in her arms.
She did not feel any warmth or shelter. Looking around suddenly she realized.
Everything is stripped of leaves, they are branches without any leaves, they’re leafless trees. Nothing can be found that shelters the ripe fruits, nor protects them, nor cares for them.
Stunned, she looked from one side to another, but ... there, it was! the reason for the chilly air that sneaked in, and cooled her garden, put her fruits at risk, put her work and all her effort in danger.
“Leafless”; there were no leaves around and all the lemons were hanging like stars in that strange sky. Leafless, with no shelter, without anything that protected all the efforts.
Where are the leaves that should be on the tree? Where are those who are supposed to watch over the lemons, over the efforts? sheltering them!
There was nothing, there was nobody.
In decisive moments in life, we see ourselves without any leaf ... but hope and happy end will always succeed: fruits grown and work done are still there, next to us, being something that nothing, nor anyone can take away from us.
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